The design and content of the website such as logos, texts, photos, graphics, database, functions and settings are the property of our company and are protected by Greek and International Legislation. Intellectual property is the right that the legal order grants to the creator of an intellectual work on that work. Intellectual property is also the whole relevant institution, ie the set of rules that regulate this right.

More specifically, the content of the copyright is the right to exploit the work (property right) and the right to protect the creator's personal connection to his work (moral right). The institution of intellectual property therefore regulates rules for the exercise of the right and allows the creator to reap financial benefits from the exploitation of his work. It also gives the author the right to protect his work from arbitrary modifications or adaptations, to decide on the manner and time of publication of his work and to be recognized as a creator. Intellectual property law is at the heart of cultural life. It governs the cultural production, as mainly the production of literary, musical, scientific works, works of fine arts, cinema. It therefore contributes to the development of culture, science and the economy. The existence and operation of the institution ensures the above as it is the only way to finance cultural creation and production.

► Based on the above and the Terms of European and World Copyright Law:

No part of this site may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without our written permission. Any reproduction, republishing, uploading, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes, is permitted only with the prior written permission of our company.

The entire eCommerce platform is based on the intellectual material by Abhishek Das, Kolovos Spiridon and Bakatselos Konstantinos. Those individuals have the right to use the material for marketing and advertisement purposes.

The appearance of the above content on the website, can not in any way be construed as a transfer or assignment of license or right to use any of the above information. Our company reserves the legal right to defend any kind of defamation, in any kind of post, online, through an authorised lawyer and the Greek judiciary