Female Full Circle Ballet Skirt With Scarf Tie, Mousseline, Burgundy

37,40 €
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SKU: SK81W100
Female full circle ballet skirt with scarf tie for perfect fit and steady to the movement, made out of the finest muslin.
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The most precious classic ballet-long skirt that you will own in your wardrobe. Constructed from musseline and brought to you in eighteen colours, this ballet skirt self ties for perfect fit. Suitable for any dance class, this skirt can be paired with a leotard or tank top, or with a camisole or lace top for evening appearances.

We use the best quality of fabrics under European quality standards. A highly elastic mesh that stretches seamlessly and is used to create dance wear for all occasions especially ballet practice and performance. Muslin is plain-woven cotton fabric made in various weights. The better qualities of muslin are fine and smooth in texture and are woven from evenly spun warps and wefts, or fillings.